AIM 2021
June 26th Saturday Welcome Ceremony
Because of COVID-19, AIM2021 was held online. At this Welcome ceremony, representative of AIM made a presentation about AIM project and the whole schedule of AIM2021. Then, Indonesain participants introduced themselves. After that, we played a game as an ice-breaker. It was a blast.

June 27th Sunday Idea Day
Dividing into some groups, we shared some of complaints about our student lives and came up with future products that allowed us to reduce or overcome such dissatisfactions. Then, we drew a picture of the product idea from the previous section. After all the presentations, we dicided the best product by voting. We could be familiar with lives of foreign students.
June 28th Monday SDGs Day
Inviting a guest speaker from Borderless Japan corporation, we had a lecture about social business and the company’s project on the food loss problem. After the lecture, we discussed our own solution to reduce food loss of some products in breakout rooms. Throughout the day, we learned the importance of raising the awareness of social problems existing in both countries.

June 29th Tuesday Virtual Trip Day
We had a virtual trip to Tokyo and Chiba. On YouTube live, we watched a movie which some of AIM members went to shoot and edit. While we were watching the movie, we chatted frequently. Also, we had some quizes, and we enjoyed those contents.
June 30th Wednesday Diversity Day
We invited 4 films —Isao Kuroiwa, Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Scrambled Egg and SialFrame (alphabetical order). We diviede into 4 breakout rooms and listened to their lecture about disabilities or LGBT. We could also ask them what we wondered. After that, each group discusesd what we should do, and gave a presentation in the main room.

July 1st Thursday Lifestyle Day
In the first half, we watched a movie of a tppical daily routine of an Japanese university student onYouTube live. Some of AIM members went to shoot and edit this movie. The chat was heating up. In the latter half, we shared each daily routine, gastronomy, senery and what each likes. All enjoyed talking.
July 2nd Friday Future Day
We worked on two contents related to SNS. First we had a lecture titled “The current situation and the future of SNS and UGC marketing” from the CEO of Argyle. After that, we divided into some groups and discussed “An ideal function of SNS”, and gave a presentation in the main room to share each idea. We could consider our daily practical use of SNS.

July 3rd Saturday Culture Day
We learned clothing culture of each other's country through some quizes. We could know the typical outfits of 5 situations: a wedding of my friend, a funeral, a summer festival, a freshmen orientation event and Going to the beach in summer. It was very fun.
July 3rd Saturday Farewell Ceremony
After enjoying the Culture Day, we held the Farewell ceremony. Indonesian participants looked back on AIM2021 activities and shared their thoughts including whether they enjoyed it, which day was the most impressive and what they leaned. At last, we recieved the certificate of appreciation from ISAFIS.